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Yahoo Finance Download Historical Data

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I have used the following url to fetch the historical data from yahoo finance. From last 16th May, 2017 the url is not working.

Seems like they have changed the url and the new url is:

In the above changed URL has a session cookie which is crumb. Is there any idea how to get this cookie programmatically(in JAVA)?


Historical data for one ticker symbol are downloaded by one request to a web service. This feature significantly reduces the amount of requests to the Yahoo! The amount of data depends on the entire data period that is calculated for all stocks in opened workbooks. Bulk Stock Data Series Download at Jason Strimpel Finance. It is no longer necessary to download historical price information from Yahoo! Finance for multiple.

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7 Answers

Yahoo Finance Download Historical Data Macro

Got it to work, now I just have to parse the csv. Thought I'd share since I was having trouble with the syntax.


I recently wrote a simple python script to download the history of a single stock. Chief keef 3 download mp3.
Here an example how to invoke it:
python --symbol=IBM --from=2017-01-01 --to=2017-05-25 -o IBM.csv
This will download IBM historical prices from 2017-01-01 to 2017-05-25 and save them in IBM.csv file.

Andrea GaleazziAndrea Galeazzi

Andrea Galeazzi's excellent answer; with added options for splits and dividends, and twisted for python 3.

Also changed so 'to:date' is included in the returned results, previously code returned up to but not including 'to:date'. Just different!

And be aware that Yahoo made minor changes in price rounding, column order, and split syntax.

Jack ThreadfinJack Threadfin

You can manually save the crumb/cookie pair in Chrome or you can use something like this to generate it. Then, just set the cookie header in java and pass the corresponding crumb in the URL


I have wrote a lightweight script that pulls together alot of the suggestions in this thread to fix this problem.

However, there are much better solutions such as,

Hope these resources help!


I developed the following solution for this issue in Excel/VBA. The key challenge was the creation of the Crumb / Cookie pair. Once that is created you can re-use it for calls to Yahoo for the historical prices.

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See here the key code for the Crumb / Cookie

See the following Yahoo Historical Price Extract on my website for a Sample Excel workbook that demonstrates how to extract Yahoo Historical prices

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Great answer Andrea, I have added to your code to allow for downloads of multiple stocks. (python 2.7)


file2: ticker.csvAAPLMSFT

Yahoo Historical Quotes



Yahoo Historical Stock Prices Lookup

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